These are difficult times for everyone:
The following sites may be helpful to families in particular, to help find advice and support
We welcome suggestions for additional contact points, resources and ideas.
These are difficult times for everyone:
The following sites may be helpful to families in particular, to help find advice and support
We welcome suggestions for additional contact points, resources and ideas.
More FPP stuff
Councils propose to close libraries.
They do Equality Impact Assessments which show that the poorest & most vulnerable residents will be severely impacted by the closures.
They then close the libraries.
What’s the point of EIA’s I hear you say?
Hi @lisanandy @RhonddaBryant please call a moratorium on library cuts & closures and meet with representatives from all interested parties inc users, unions, campaigners & prof orgs to discuss the way forward.
We can’t go on like this.
Hi @lisanandy @RhonddaBryant what’s your vision re Public Libraries?
After 14yrs of trying to get @UKLabour to adopt a national policy supporting the sector and the staff who work in it I’d love to know what your plan is?