Integrated healthcare reinvestigated

Briefings are underway with the new Integrated Care Board having a ‘duty to consult’ with community organisations, local authorities and others to pull together a more coordinated approach to healthcare and well-being.

While this is entirely welcome – a throwback to the multi-agency approaches of the early millennium Blair government, which led to initiatives such as SureStart – the reality check was voiced loud and clear in a recent Folkestone meeting…

With resources rapidly running dry, there is plenty of sense in making best use of all available expertise and capacity, including the voluntary or third sector organisations.
But it’s very obvious that without adequate resources, the expectation that small community groups and charities can take up even more of the strain in providing safety net services where the state has retreated rapidly – is totally unrealistic.

The theory is good. Let’s see how it pans out in practice.

You can judge for yourself by browsing the presentation materials, which are available by clicking here

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1 Response

  1. pat says:

    Thanks for including this on your website. I have to question just how many people get to know they can contribute. It is full of purple passages and reassuring phrases to let us know what they are doing on our behalf. What is the percentage of the population they actually reach. Unless you have to access the services on offer you would never be aware that you can and should be consulted on future plans for that universal phrase “Your health and well being”. Instead of organising consultations, costly events, A few well placed and consistent adverts/programmes in the media and on television at strategic times, would reach most of the population, who I have no doubt would respond almost instantly, if only surprised at the opportunity to have their voice heard. It could be handled almost similar to an election, with a deadline for input.

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