One Folkestone working group

Open invitation: get in touch and get involved

We’re interested in working with people and ideas that work for our local community that are inclusive, realistic and based on sound experience of making thing happen.
In due course we hope to set up a steering group and we would really like to hear from anyone interested in getting involved.

What are we seeking to do?

As a reminder, FPP is looking to do three things;

  1. Community and political journalism: information and comment on key local issues
  2. Community education: supporting informed democratic participation
  3. Community activism: supporting and endorsing candidates with the capability to deliver positive change

Who is involved at the moment?

The One Folkestone team is currently not formalised or finalised. Those involved come from local civic and community groups and have been talking around the need for a more concerted and coherent approach.

At this stage, this is simply a platform reflecting conversations with people from different backgrounds and surprisingly varied political perspectives. What we have in common is a passion for change and an honest recognition that change needs careful planning and good management.
We’re not interested in political tribalism or extremism, but we’re very interested in pragmatism and a positive future.

What sort of background do you have?

Our current facilitator is Jon O’Connor – effectively acting as coordinator and editor to present developing ideas and make connections.

Jon’s background includes considerable experience in community partnership and community action:

  • 45 years in the education service including leading the national Coop Schools network of 800 schools
  • key roles in major community regeneration projects in Hertfordshire and Essex
  • formerly Chair of Folkestone and Hythe Labour Party and currently Chair of East Kent Coop Party.
  • trustee with Sunflower House and Folkestone Performing Arts Centre
  • facilitator of AFRA – Alliance of Folkestone Residents Assocations