One Folkestone Blogs and News Page


Reading in the Rain

Grace Hill Library early history…. A series of blogs written for the Save Our Library campaign by Professor Carolyn Oulton of Canterbury Christchurch University If you’re finding it hard to think about summer reading...


Folkestone Free Library: Beginnings

Professor Carolyn Oulton School of Humanities at Canterbury Christ Church University Books have always had the power to cause trouble. Ironically the Folkestone Free Library catalogue for 1884 includes Mary Braddon’s Taken at the Flood among other...


Puff Psephology!

Psephology: the statistical study of elections and trends in voting. Jon O’Connor puts a small wager on small changes with significant impact in the May local elections. These local elections matter more than most,...

Folkestone Future 0

Folkestone Future

As we approach the local elections on May 4th, Star Wars fans will enjoy the coincidence with the annual calendar joke they share of ‘May the fourth be with you…!” We need some sense...


Hythe West: Westward Ho!

The recent Hythe West by-election for Kent County Council was held under unusual circumstances, to put it mildly.The results can’t fully be seen as a signpost for the major round of local elections on...

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4523 One

No, it’s not a countdown gone wrong – or even the song by Manfred Mann – if you’re old enough to remember that… It’s a reminder that there are local elections on 04.05.23 –...


What’s in a name?

The initials FPP suggest lots of different things – most probably First Past the Post – but for light amusement, take a look at this site to find over 100 alternative uses for this...